Everything we needed to update the Homestudy has been mailed and the social worker is coming out to the house to check us out again next Saturday although there are no changes to make to our report.
171-h extension request has been mailed, so we just need to wait for that to come back with new fingerprint appointments and then approval again.
I hope it all comes to us before Feb 13 - that is our expiration date.
Keep your fingers crossed that 2009 is our year.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Homestudy Update
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
8:43 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Updating and More Paperwork
We are in the process of updating our home study, which seems so silly seeing as though we have no idea what is next for us, but, we do not want it to expire.
So, gathering paperwork again, getting physicals, requsting 171-h extension and new fingerprints and setting up our home visit. It is sort of weird this time without the excitement we had last time. I mean, honestly, we have no idea where our baby is coming from at this point. We have yet to make a decision so for now we are sticking it out for Vietnam unless our agency comes up with another option for us.
No word on how things are progressing in Vietnam or whether or not they will come up with a new agreement with the US. All we can do, is go on with our lives and pray that something happens.
Until I have more...
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
4:22 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Well, the agreement is still ending on September 1 and our referral is no where in site.
Until we decide what route we are going to take, I am putting my Operation Olive blog on the back burner until I have some positive news to share. We may switch countries, we may wait it out, we may be able to do both, just not sure right now.
Until there is something good to share....
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
3:12 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Come on baby!
New Department of State update here.
This paragraph stands out...
According to the DIA, a referral occurs when DIA sends a letter to prospective adoptive parents informing them that both DIA and provincial authorities have agreed to the match of a specific child. Any case where this letter has been sent to the prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) before September 1 will be considered as having a referral and will be processed to completion. DIA has reported that there are more than 1,700 applications pending as of July 1, 2008. According to DIA estimates and prior adoption trends, it is likely that referrals will be completed before September 1 for approximately 50 percent of these applications. The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, will process to conclusion all adoptions that meet the Government of Vietnam’s criteria and deadlines.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:12 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Tim and I got a letter this weekend from our agency explaining most of the goings ons in Vietnam with adoption, etc. While it is hard to take the news of a possible complete closure in adoptions from Vietnam, our agency is pushing forward and I am keeping faith. Who knows, maybe at the last moment Vietnam will decide (like Russia and Guatemala have in the past) that they will grand father us in. I am not sure, but what I am sure of is that our little one is out there somewhere, she is just having trouble finding us that's all. I will be totally suprised if she is NOT wrapped in a wad of red tape when we get her!
One good thing about waiting is I have more time to find the best, safest car seat out there. I swear, from what I have read, she will be rear facing until she is 18! I think the car seat that came with the stroller that I have is going to be outgrown pretty fast so I am looking at a Britax seat that will work up to 65 pounds. I think it is worth the investment for sure plus...it is cow print!
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
8:12 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Heavy Heart today...
Well, today marks 60 days before the closing of adoptions between the US and Vietnam. Babies have to be in the orphanage for 60 days before they are eligible to be adopted. It looks like my little Olive may not be coming from Vietnam as of now.
On another sad note, another family (who happens to live in my hometown) from our agency who was matched with their child in November found out that they are not going to be able to complete the adoption and bring their baby home. It is very sad, I can't imagine looking at her photo for that long and then finding out that it is not going to work out. I am sad for all of us involved in this mess.
Nothing more to say at this time...I am exhausted in every way possible.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
9:45 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Got an Update?
Basically, this is what it is....
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
4:03 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Olive's Lavish Wishlist

These cute toys
This softie Hedgehog

This Stroller Blanket

Posted by
The Maltese Kat
1:26 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Staying Positive
I have been away for a few days - went on a road trip with my best girl Angela who moved to Colorado (so sad). It was nice to get away from all the drama in my life that surrounds our adoption process. I needed the break. I actually got to laugh super hard on my trip, which was such a great release.
Anyway, I have turned over a new leaf and am super positive about our adoption - not that I was far from that before, but was a bit knocked down. I really think and believe we are going to get our referral by September 1.
If you want to comment, that is fine, but if you are not positive about this as well, please do not let your fingers do the talking on this one.
Thanks for all of the support I have been getting some from people I don't even know.
I am so grateful for each of you and I glad you are on my side.
Lemke's and Szarek's you all mean the WORLD to me and I love you!
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
4:38 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Really upset all weekend, left work to hibernate a bit on Friday. With our new timeline in my last post, this isnt looking good for us but we are pressing on. I am going to be on pins and needles until September.
From the US Embassy website:
Adopted Children Immigrant Visa Unit
Warning Concerning Adoptions in Vietnam
April 2008
The Department of State continues to urge prospective adoptive parents and adoption service providers not to initiate new adoptions from Vietnam at this time. The 2005 Memorandum of Agreement, required by Vietnamese law to authorize adoptions between the United States and Vietnam, expires on September 1, 2008. In addition, recent field investigations have revealed incidents of serious adoption irregularities, including forged or altered documentation, mothers paid, coerced or tricked into releasing their children, and children offered for adoption without the knowledge or consent of their birth parents.
The United States is strongly committed to processing legitimate intercountry adoptions from Vietnam if possible. Our primary concern is to ensure that the children and families involved in the adoption process are protected from exploitation. The Government of Vietnam shares this concern. Both countries acknowledge that more needs to be done to address deficiencies in the current system.
On April 25, the Government of Vietnam announced that it will allow adoption to be completed in cases where prospective adoptive parents have been matched with a child and received an official referral prior to September 1, 2008. It further stated that in accordance with Vietnamese law, the DIA will suspend the acceptance of new dossiers on July 1, 2008. On September 1, 2008 any dossier that has not received a referral will be closed and returned to the Adoption Service Provider. In view of the processing time required in Vietnam from placement to the Giving and Receiving Ceremony, an adoption process begun now cannot be completed before the current Agreement expires.
Prospective adoptive parents should be aware that documents relating to adoptions in Vietnam, such as birth certificates, abandonment reports, relinquishment agreements, and investigative reports are generally issued by orphanage directors, local People’s Committees, Provincial Departments and the Department for International Adoptions (DIA). The facts asserted in these documents are not verified by the issuing officials. Attempts by U.S. officials to verify the accuracy of these documents have routinely uncovered evidence of fraudulent or inaccurate information. Therefore, documents issued by the authorities listed above, and any other documents containing information not verified by the issuing authority, cannot be considered adequate evidence of the facts claimed. They may be used in conjunction with primary and contemporaneous secondary evidence, or must be independently verified by U.S. officials in Vietnam, before they can be considered valid for immigration purposes. (http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/reciprocity/reciprocity_3705.html)
Consular officers have routinely completed field verifications of orphan status in over 35 provinces in Vietnam. However, in some cases, Vietnamese officials have prevented the U.S. Government from conducting independent field inquiries into the status of children identified in I-600 petitions. Embassy outreach, as well as support from adoption agency officials, have thus far allowed independent investigations to resume in some areas that were previously impeded. We continue robust efforts to resolve this issue. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict when we can complete the field inquiries in areas which are still closed to our staff.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service and the Department of State have instituted procedures to verify that children identified for placement meet the requirements of Vietnamese and U.S. law, before the child has been adopted under Vietnamese law. Information about these procedures is available from USCIS or through their website http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis. The Embassy strongly advises prospective adoptive parents not to travel to Vietnam until they have received notification from the Embassy that their case is ready for final processing and travel is appropriate. Parents should contact the Embassy immediately if anyone, including their adoption service provider, encourages them to travel to Vietnam prior to receiving this notification. The Embassy can work together with adoption service providers, Vietnam’s Department of International Adoptions, and local authorities to resolve issues such as the scheduling of a Giving and Receiving Ceremony.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
7:37 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
New Wait Time
10-15/18 months is the most updated wait time. It was worded exactly like that “10-15/18”, they should just say 12-18.
So, minus the 5.5 we have under our belts it could be as soon as Fall of 2008 or as late as May 2009 that we get the call and then we would have to wait to travel SO maybe by my 35th birthday I will be a Mom. Honestly, I can’t imagine 2 more Mother’s Day’s passing without my baby! This year is going to be hard enough.
I am going nuts, having a hard time, but will get over it. Really, I know there is no telling at what rate children are going to be up for adoption and there is NOTHING we can do. I have written all the people I can write as a waiting parent (i.e.: government officials).
We are taking on a home improvement project per my Mom's suggestion. Tim and I are going to gut and finally paint the living room, bedroom and kitchen! I need one more thing to help pass the time and there is no time like the present to get the house ready for when Olive comes home. A fresh, clean, new coat of paint will revive our place a little I hope and help make the wait not so bad. It is going to be a HUGE undertaking because we have a lot of cracks to fill, sand, prime, etc. but we are looking forward to it. Now, if I could just commit to a color or two!
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
12:49 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Have you seen these?
Just saw these in babytalk magazine and think they are so super cute!
Check em out at :http://www.rufflebutts.com/
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
5:30 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
5 months and 3 days
Honestly, I can't believe we have been waiting 5 months and 3 days for our referral. It seems to fly by, really. I cannot tell a lie. I think part of it is that I have made myself super busy during this time for that exact reason.
We are still number 21 on the list. I think I may have mentioned it before but our agency is keeping us at the same number through the entire process. It makes it hard though to know where we really are. Oh, well, I guess I like surprises.
I can report that our agency has just gotten licensed in 2 new provinces so maybe that will move things along a bit. I am not sure. I mean, really, we can't really guess at what rate people are having children now, can we? I know when the right one comes along, she will be ours.
Until then, I keep praying that her birth mother has enough food to keep her healthy during her pregnancy and that she is well taken care of and can get the care she needs.
Just wanted to post something to keep you all in the loop.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
10:36 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Well Hello Cuties!
I was just doing a little look see at Target Baby online and look at the cute goodies they have!
First is this chair, which I love. After seeing Frankie just about flip himself out of the bumbo chair, I think I would prefer to get this one that has a tray to sort of restrain the baby (not in a bad way) and keep her seated when she gets the urge to boogie during meal time.
Check out this little lady as well. What a cute little ride on toy. Not sure how practical it is, but it is super cute. I will have to enjoy it in the photo though - I don't really think this is something we must have.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
12:14 PM
Face Lift
I know, I have changed the header and look of this blog a couple times now, but I think I will keep this one for a while.
With no news, I don't have much to report.
We are in for the long haul and know that when God is ready for us to meet our little one, he will bring her to us.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:58 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
6-8 more of these....really?
I am by nature, a pretty patient person. I will admit that this year does seem to be flying by before my eyes. But when I think about the numbers, really, we have 6-8 more months of waiting for our referral if things go according to what our agency is telling us. Here are some things I keep reminding myself of when I get to chomping at the bit.
- I would rather have to wait and have things be done ethically than being sped through the process.
- I would rather wait now than have a hang up when we get our referral like some other families. I feel so bad for them. I cant imagine being matched with a child and not being able to go and get them and bring them home.
- All good things come to those who wait.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:04 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Fund Raising
Tim and I are working hard to save travel money for when we get the magical call and then get to go to Vietnam to pick up our little one.
If you can find it in your heart to purchase a magazine subscription (at a great price), renew a current subscription or give a subscription as a gift, it would be so appreciated and you will get some good karma in return.
Follow this link if you are interested in helping us out.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
1:27 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Baby on the Brain

A diaper bag is the one thing I think I am going to forgo since Tim is dead set on using a courier bag that we already have.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
12:39 PM
Update Anyone?
Does anyone have an update? Not us!
Our social worker is currently in Vietnam so I am sure we will hear something when she gets back. Our agency goes to Vietnam to perform humanitarian work a couple times a year which I think is awesome. That gives them a chance to really get involved in the communities where they have adoption licences and makes Tim and I feel really good. I have a past of doing humaniatarian work in Vietnam (see side photos) so this is near and dear to my heart and was an important factor to us when choosing an agency. I have not been to Vietnam for 2 years now and I can't wait to go back and visit some of my old friends with our new addition.
I think we will see some movement in our position in line between March and September. Our agency is not changing our number though. They are keeping us at 21 and will update us when they are nearing our number. It will be this year though, I am confident that I will be a Mom this year and I can't wait.
Has anyone out there in adoption blog land considered breast feeding? I have looked into it and it is completly possible and a great way to bond with your baby. Any thoughts from anyone? Here is a nice link if anyone is interested in reading about it for themselves: http://www.fourfriends.com/abrw/faqs.htm
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:07 AM
Phil and Ted's
Just heard about these and think they are fabulous! They keep the water in the bottom seperate from the formula in the top and when you are ready to mix you twist the top and shake!
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:03 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008

Posted by
The Maltese Kat
4:56 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Cute Wall Art
I am thinking about getting these three killer prints from SugarLoop for the wall in Olive's little area in our apartment! Just need to make sure Tim likes them.

Posted by
The Maltese Kat
2:42 PM