Friday, November 2, 2007

Funny Dream

I had the funniest dream last night about Olive. I NEVER get to see her face when she is in my dreams and this time, I saw her, up close and clear and she was beautiful. In my dream, I was on a blanket playing with Olive on my parents front lawn with my Mom and Tim. I was telling my Mom how I could not get her to respond to me at all, to her name, to music, nothing. It was very strange. So, we decided to take her back to the orphanage (dreams are so strange) to see how she would react to being around other babies her age. Once we walked in, Tim was holding her and I said "hi Olive" and she looked right at me and smiled. Finally, we thought, a reaction. Phew! Then we put her in a swing and we played with the other babies and all of the sudden she started singing, clear as day, Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend by Marilyn Monroe.
I have the strangest dreams, I know, but for the first time I got to see her face and it was amazing.

On another note, paperwork still not at DIA, I will post once I know it has been handed over.

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