Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:43 AM
We just got an email from our agency and they gave us our number in line. We are 21, so there are 20 families ahead of us - probably about a 6 -8 month wait if not longer. With all the bad news at the beginning of this week, it was nice to get a call with some good news. Our agency has voluntarily pulled out of the two provinces mentioned in the Embassy statement, they are not under investigation nor have they ever had a problem or questioned the status of an orphan in the orphanges they work in, but they hold a licence in those areas and think it best for families on both sides to put things on hold for now until the Embassy gives the green light to continue. This should help to keep everyone safe and free from a NOID (notice of intent to deny). Good thing is, the head of the agency is in Vietnam right now and is meeting with many officials to discuss the corrupt practices in those 2 provinces. Our agency is urging other agencies that have licences in those areas to temporarily pull out as well in order to stay ethical and set an example for those who are not. Their thought is, they would rather have PAPs (perspective adoptive parents) have a longer referral time than be involved in a region known for unethical practices. If agencies continue to conduct adoptions in these regions, they are putting all of us at risk and are doing a complete disservice to all PAPs. I have gotten many emails from our agency over the last 2 days and Tim and I both feel confident that they are taking all necessary precautions to keep everything legal, ethical and RIGHT. Our agency is NOT one that is under investigation and has not had any problems, but are trying to protect all parties involved and the safest thing for all of us is for them to halt things for now in the two regions and continue to work in their other provinces. It is hard to put a timeline on a referral as most of you know, you can't really estimate at what rate parents are going to make the heartbreaking decision to give their child up for adoption, so we just keep praying and when God is ready for us to be matched it will happen. Our main concern at this time is all of the wrong-doing over there and we are relieved to get clear and consistent communication from our agency about their ethics and practices and feel that we made the right decision with our agency. If you are reading this and are involed with an agency that puts you on the "fast track" to your child, THINK TWICE and do the research.
God Bless.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
4:20 PM
Click here for the official notice from the US Embassy that goes along with my last post. We got word late today after my last post that our agency is going to temporarily halt adoptions from these two provinces, they work in two others as well. Our agency is NOT one of those that have been mentioned in some reports as being "investigated" THANK GOD. For this we are thankful, but still very apprehensive. We have faith that God will take care of us, when things are right for everyone involved.
What is going on is WRONG and unethical and we are praying that all of this gets figured out and all children up for adoption are legitimate. I cannot believe in today's world that this would happen. I have been to Vietnam a number of times to do humanitarian work and have seen the worst of the worst poor conditions, but for those people to be preyed on for their babies is HORRIBLE. I am sick over this. Honestly, I would rather wait 5 years for us to get our referral if it meant knowing that it will all done appropriately, ethically and legally.
We pray for the families that are currently stuck in Vietnam waiting to come home with their babies, but on the flip side, we pray that the people with babies from these provinces are told the TRUTH about their babies and hope that none of them are victims of this mess.
Please pray that these Vietnamese Provencial adoption leaders changes their practices and start ahearing to the laws set forth in the Hague. It will protect all perspective adoptive parents. We know we my not have the entire story about how our baby became an orphan, but I can tell you we want to be SURE that she was not the victim of this INSANITY.
For more reading on this:
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
7:26 PM
Just got this email yesterday...we are sad but know when God has the right baby for us, we will be brought together no matter what.
"Dear Vietnam Adoptive Families,
The US Embassy officially posted a statement of concern over Vietnam Adoptions today and specifically identified Phu Tho and Thai Nguyen Provinces by name. Though we were surprised and disappointed that they would post such a statement with no specific details about the concerns that they have in these provinces, we do take the statement seriously and will carefully investigate the Embassy's concerns and respond accordingly. We will be meeting directly with the Embassy in Hanoi this week to obtain further information. Current referrals remain secure and will be processed under the new I-600 filing procedures.We hope to have further updates before the end of the week."
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:38 AM
I had the funniest dream last night about Olive. I NEVER get to see her face when she is in my dreams and this time, I saw her, up close and clear and she was beautiful. In my dream, I was on a blanket playing with Olive on my parents front lawn with my Mom and Tim. I was telling my Mom how I could not get her to respond to me at all, to her name, to music, nothing. It was very strange. So, we decided to take her back to the orphanage (dreams are so strange) to see how she would react to being around other babies her age. Once we walked in, Tim was holding her and I said "hi Olive" and she looked right at me and smiled. Finally, we thought, a reaction. Phew! Then we put her in a swing and we played with the other babies and all of the sudden she started singing, clear as day, Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend by Marilyn Monroe.
I have the strangest dreams, I know, but for the first time I got to see her face and it was amazing.
On another note, paperwork still not at DIA, I will post once I know it has been handed over.
Posted by
The Maltese Kat
11:50 PM