Thursday, May 29, 2008

Got an Update?

Well, sort of. Not really.
Basically, this is what it is....
There are not currently any babies in the orphanages in the provinces that our agency works in. Since a baby has to be in an orphanage for 60 days prior to being made available for adoption, there needs to be babies by July 1st in order for things to start moving and for folks to get their referrals by September 1 and we are not on the top of the list as far as we know. I am trying to be super optimistic and ultimately know when God has her ready for us, we will come together but geeze, 6 months waiting and no movement is not making this look good at all. In the mean time, I take time each morning to imagine holding her, signing the big book in Vietnam at the Giving and Receiving Ceremony and bringing her home. I am really excited about being a Mom, whenever that may happen for me.
Until we hear, we wait while each day passes with no word of our daughter.
Ugh, just typing that breaks my heart even though I know good things come to those who wait, I am trying so hard to be good and patient, but some days are really hard.

Here is my request...
Please put it out there for us (via prayer, meditation, etc.) that the word gets out to the villages around where the orphanages are that there is a safe place for women to bring their babies if they cannot keep them for whatever the circumstance. There are people in the world that will love and raise them and give them opportunities that they otherwise may not have.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Olive's Lavish Wishlist

I am sure this is what Olive would like from Lavish when she gets here.
Super Cute and overpriced onesie

These cute toys

This softie Hedgehog

This Stroller Blanket

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Staying Positive

I have been away for a few days - went on a road trip with my best girl Angela who moved to Colorado (so sad). It was nice to get away from all the drama in my life that surrounds our adoption process. I needed the break. I actually got to laugh super hard on my trip, which was such a great release.
Anyway, I have turned over a new leaf and am super positive about our adoption - not that I was far from that before, but was a bit knocked down. I really think and believe we are going to get our referral by September 1.
If you want to comment, that is fine, but if you are not positive about this as well, please do not let your fingers do the talking on this one.
Thanks for all of the support I have been getting some from people I don't even know.
I am so grateful for each of you and I glad you are on my side.
Lemke's and Szarek's you all mean the WORLD to me and I love you!