Christmas was a tough one this year. I was trying not to remember the time when we thought we would have Oliveia home by now. I am trying really hard to keep my head up, but Christmas brought me down. I didn't really get into it very much this year, I guess I was banking on having a baby in the house by now and starting some new family traditions. Together, Tim and I are still pretty mellow about the increased referral time, but, when I am alone is when I think about it way too much. Now, my new mission is, get in shape and get ready to keep up with Olive, and pray for a referral by my birthday in July! What a nice gift that would be, ahhhhh. I know 2008 is going to be a good year, I can feel it in my soul. We are so ready for our little one to be in our home. Financially, we are strapped down, tight budget, etc. but we will need to get used to that part of parenting anyway especially in San Francisco. We are always on the lookout for a larger place to live, but don't really want to do anything that will effect our paperwork that is already in process in Vietnam. Our agency said that we could move and we would have to take with us to Vietnam an amendment to our dossier, but we don't want to get all the way over there and have any problems. There is already enough going on over there, we don't want to throw anything off, you know?
Anyway, not really an update, just some thoughts I was having today I needed to get off my chest.
On a side note...check out how cute this dress is from Gymboree, from the "Holland Days" collection.

1 comment:
Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Christmas was really hard, but I have been feeling back in control now that Christmas is over. Don't know if you feel the same. The wait doesn't seem as hard today as it did all the rest of the month. BTW.... I love that dress... take the flowers off and it is an "Annie" dress. But I like it even better with the flowers.
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